Glenhaven Park, Portland OR 2019

Public art commissioned by the City of Portland Parks and Recreation, Regional Arts and Culture Council

Sustenance - Food, Water, Nature, Community

Photography by Christine Clark

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Sustenance - Food

Sustenance - Food

Sustenance - Water

Sustenance - Water

Sustenance - Nature

Sustenance - Nature

Sustenance - Community

Sustenance - Community

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CClark_Glenhaven community detail1.jpg
CClark_Glenhaven water detail1.jpg

Sustenance – Food, Water, Community, Nature, five sculptures honoring four important aspects of life for all of us. Situated adjacent to the new play area at Glenhaven Park, Clark has created sculptural seating. Made from bronze rod, Clark this artwork can be viewed as art as well as sat, lounged and played on. Through contour lines of ¼” bronze rod, each of the sculptures abstractly depicts elements of sustenance: a large squash form represents food with symbols such as bread, vegetables, fruit, pizza and ice cream cones; water is represented by a frozen-in-time water drop covered with waves, clouds, and rain drops; an abstracted adult and child figure represent community and is enclosed with images such as houses, abstracted people forms, bicycles, pets and hands; nature is represented by a large log displaying rocks, leaves, sticks and flowers. The detail in the sculptures allows viewers to trace and discover new components within each theme every time one visits.


Tigard Outdoor Museum


Everett Public Library